Basic usage

py-deps provides parsing the Python deps and generating graph data.

Search packages

Search packages from PyPI.:

$ python
>>> from py_deps.deps import search
>>> search('deps')
[{'_pypi_ordering': False,
  'name': 'anybox.recipe.sysdeps',
  'summary': 'A buildout recipe to check system dependencies',
  'version': '0.5'},
 {'_pypi_ordering': False,
  'name': 'appdynamics-bindeps-linux-x64',
  'summary': 'Dependencies for AppDynamics Python agent',
  'version': ''},
 {'_pypi_ordering': False,
  'name': 'appdynamics-bindeps-linux-x86',
  'summary': 'Dependencies for AppDynamics Python agent',
  'version': ''},
 {'_pypi_ordering': False,
  'name': 'appdynamics-bindeps-osx-x64',
  'summary': 'Dependencies for AppDynamics Python agent',
  'version': ''},
 {'_pypi_ordering': False,
  'name': 'deps',
  'summary': 'deps discovers your Python dependencies',
  'version': '0.1.0'},
 {'_pypi_ordering': False,
  'name': 'gtkeggdeps',
  'summary': 'Interactive egg dependency browser',
  'version': '0.0.7'},
 {'_pypi_ordering': False,
  'name': 'htmldeps',
  'summary': 'Expand CSS and javascript dependency links in HTML',
  'version': '1.2.1'},
 {'_pypi_ordering': False,
  'name': 'py-deps',
  'summary': 'parsing the Python deps and generating graph data',
  'version': '0.3.0'},
 {'_pypi_ordering': False,
  'name': 'pydeps',
  'summary': 'Display module dependencies',
  'version': '1.2.1'},
 {'_pypi_ordering': False,
  'name': 'runestone-test-deps',
  'summary': 'This is dependencies for RSI',
  'version': '0.1'},
 {'_pypi_ordering': False,
  'name': 'tl.eggdeps',
  'summary': 'Compute a dependency graph between active Python eggs.',
  'version': '0.4'},
 {'_pypi_ordering': False,
  'name': 'tt.eggdeps',
  'summary': 'Compute a dependency graph between active Python eggs.',
  'version': '0.5'}]

Show latest version

Retrieve latest package from PyPI.:

$ python
>>> from py_deps.deps import latest_version
>>> latest_version('deps')


Cache the parsed dependencies into the py-deps.pickle on current working directory.This file format is pickle.:

$ python
>>> from py_deps import Package
>>> pkg = Package('py-deps')

py-deps retrieve latest version from PyPI without version argument as above. Specify version use version argument.:

>>> pkg = Package('py-deps', version='0.5.5')
>>> pkg.version

Change cache file

Use cache_name argument.:

>>> pkg = Package('py-deps', cache_name='')

Override cache forcely

Use update_force argument. (default: False):

>>> pkg = Package('py-deps', update_force=True)

Changes the cache backend to Memcached

Installing libmemcached-dev package and pylibmc.:

$ sudo apt-get install libmemcached-dev
$ . /path/to/venv/bin/activate
(venv)$ cd /path/to/py-deps
(venv)$ python memcache

Use servers argument. The argment syntax follows pylibmc.Client.:

>>> pkg = Package('py-deps', servers=[''])

Generate rendering data

Supports follows currently.

  • pretty print
  • Linkdraw

Pretty print

>>> print(pkg.draw())
py-deps -> [networkx, pip, setuptools, wheel]
networkx -> [decorator]


>>> import pprint
>>> pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(width=120)
>>> pp.pprint(pkg.draw('linkdraw'))
{'descr': 'py-deps dependencies',
 'lines': [{'color': '#d1e0fa', 'descr': '->', 'link': '', 'source': 'py-deps', 'target': 'networkx', 'width': '1'},
           {'color': '#a4c1f4', 'descr': '->', 'link': '', 'source': 'networkx', 'target': 'decorator', 'width': '1'},
           {'color': '#d1e0fa', 'descr': '->', 'link': '', 'source': 'py-deps', 'target': 'pip', 'width': '1'},
           {'color': '#d1e0fa', 'descr': '->', 'link': '', 'source': 'py-deps', 'target': 'setuptools', 'width': '1'},
           {'color': '#d1e0fa', 'descr': '->', 'link': '', 'source': 'py-deps', 'target': 'wheel', 'width': '1'}],
 'nodes': [{'color': '#d1e0fa',
            'depth': 0,
            'link': '',
            'name': 'py-deps',
            'r': '6',
            'version': '0.5.5'},
           {'color': '#a4c1f4',
            'depth': 1,
            'link': '',
            'name': 'networkx',
            'r': '6',
            'version': '2.4'},
           {'color': '#76a1ef',
            'depth': 2,
            'link': '',
            'name': 'decorator',
            'r': '6',
            'version': '4.4.2'},
           {'color': '#a4c1f4', 'depth': 1, 'link': '', 'name': 'pip', 'r': '6', 'version': '20.1'},
           {'color': '#a4c1f4',
            'depth': 1,
            'link': '',
            'name': 'setuptools',
            'r': '6',
            'version': '46.3.1'},
           {'color': '#a4c1f4',
            'depth': 1,
            'link': '',
            'name': 'wheel',
            'r': '6',
            'version': '0.34.2'}],
 'time': '2020-05-16T14:06:52.790139'}

See also How to use linkdraw.


>>> pkg.draw('networkx')
>>> <networkx.classes.digraph.DiGraph at 0x7fbe2311dbd0>

Check cache

Stores parsed dependency metadata to pickles data file. The file name is py-deps.pickle in default.

Listing cached data with the list_data method of Container.:

>>> from py_deps.cache import backend
>>> backend().list_data()
{('py-deps', '0.5.5'): [py-deps]}

Read the cached package with read_data method of Container. This method returns Package.traced_chain.

>>> Container().read_data(('py-deps', '0.5.5'))